Working protocols due to COVID-19, updated 13th November 2020
We continue to regularly review relevant advice from the UK government , Arboricultural Association and Institute of Chartered Foresters to ensure the continued safety of our staff and do all we can to avoid contributing to the spread of the Coronavirus. From Monday 23rd March, all BHA staff have been working from home when possible. We have cloud-based IT and phone systems so there has been minimal disruption to our work.
As our work is primarily outdoors and we rarely need to interact with other people in close proximity, we are able to continue with on-site work by taking the following precautions to minimise risk:
- We will assess risk on a site by site basis and carry out site visits when it is deemed safe and appropriate.
- Staff have been issued with PPE and will adhere to social distancing guidance at all times.
- Staff will wear hi-visibility, logo’d tops to clearly identify them when on site.
- Additional care will be taken if working in urban areas to avoid interaction with other people.
- Any staff showing possible Coronavirus symptoms will stop work and self-isolate in line with current government guidelines.
- When visiting a site, we will not enter any properties in order to gain access to trees, or to discuss our work with people.
- If two or more of our staff are needed for a site visit, we will travel in separate vehicles and then maintain social distancing on site.
- We will communicate with clients and send and receive documents electronically wherever possible.
- Where an on-site meeting is necessary, we will maintain a 2 metre distance from all attendees and ask them to do the same.